Fully Insured
Multiple Daily Visits
Call 1300-CATDOG
Fully customisable for you.
Assisi Animal Association
Will follow your precise instructions
Call 1300-228 364

More than just a pet minder!
Treat your pets with the same TLC and respect as I give to my own. I get it, they are very special and they are family.
I will send you time/date stamped photos of your special furry friends every day while you are away.
Instead of living in your home, I am a daily visitor for the benefit of your pets.
For dogs I recommend two visits of at least one hour each per day. Feeding, playing, walking, trip to the park etc. as they are accustomed to. More visits and longer time for an extra daily fee.
For cats, one or two half hour visits per day. Did you know your cat sleeps for about 17 hours of the day and are often quite comfortable being independent? Regardless, during each visit, I will occupy them as they are accustomed before and after feeding. More visits and longer time for an extra daily fee.
For other animals we can discuss possibilities and your requirements for them.
Maintain administration of any medication your pets require.
Obedience training.
Lawn / garden care. I have years of experience in commercial horticultural activities.
Collect your mail, put out and collect the bins and monitor your property security whilst I am there. Make sure your home looks lived in as much as possible.
Free transport to your usual vet if any urgent medical need arises. We will discuss your preferences for all contingencies before service commences. General pet transport - extra fee. Up to 30km radius Perth CBD.
Why not try the Triple W...? One-hour-walk-or-whatever!

More than just a pet care service...