Fully Insured
Multiple Daily Visits
Call 1300-CATDOG
Fully customisable for you.
Assisi Animal Association
Will follow your precise instructions
Call 1300-228 364

These prices are guidelines only.
Special pricing can be discussed for your unique situation.
Discounted rates for 7 days and longer
Just a walk - The Triple W
Two dog visits 2 x 1 hour
(price is per day)
Dog training 10 x 1 hour Sessions
Once daily cat visit - 1/2 hour
(price is per day)
Dog training x 1 hour
Smaller animals - Quick visit-feed, facility clean (price is per day)
Twice daily cat visits
2 x 1/2 hours (price is per day)
Dog training 5 x 1 hour Sessions
Lawns/Gardens care
(price is per hour)​
FREE Services included with pet care
Check Mailbox/put bins out & bring in
Daily email to you of photos of your pets
Emergency transport to vet if required
Check Security of your house and property
Call you if something is not right
Additional Information/Services
Reduced rates for additional pets
Reduced rates for 7 days and longer
Other house care matters - can be considered and discussed.
General pet transport, quote on request.